Holy Cross Catholic Church

Holy Cross Catholic Church

Mass Times

Monday: 8:00 am
Tuesday: 8:00 am
Wednesday: 8:00 am & 7:00 pm (Spanish)
Thursday: 8:00 am
Friday: 8:00 am
First Friday: 8:00 am & 12:00 pm (anointing Mass)
Saturday: 8:00 am, 4:00 pm vigil
Sunday: 8:00 am, 10:00 am & 12:30 pm (Spanish)

Wednesdays: 8:30 am - 11:30 am, 6:00 - 7:00 pm & First Fridays: 8:30am - 11:30 am (all followed by solemn benediction).

The sacrament of penance is available every Saturday at 3:00 pm, and Wednesday at 6:00 pm, or by appointment.

The chapel is open for adoration and private prayer every day from 8:00 am - 5:30 pm.

Office Hours

Monday - Thursday: 8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Friday: 8:30 am - Noon
Saturday – Sunday: Closed

Our Values & Mission Statement


Did you know your generosity not only supports Holy Cross but is also an act of worship and discipleship? Investing in what matters to God strengthens your relationship with him and allows us to be a blessing to others. Check out how easy it is to give online!


"Dear Father Emery, I wanted to take a moment to thank you. You have an amazing, devotional, and so inviting church. I see Jesus in you so many times. Especially the way you engage with our children. I guess that's why I'm writing you. To thank you for seeing a better part of the Catholic Church. It's such an honor to be part of your Holy Cross family. I'm grateful to God for bringing me home!! May God bless and keep you. Your sister in Christ. Thank you!"


The ministry of the enthronement of Our Lady as queen of the home invites us to respond to Christ's call made during his Passion as he said, “behold your mother”, which is also an invitation to take Mary into our homes.​ We recognize Mary's great place in God's plan of salvation for his people. She is queen in the truest sense of the word, for she rightly reigns at Jesus' side over the kingdom he established: the kingdom of God in heaven, and his kingdom in the hearts of men. Contact: Maria & Reinaldo Rojas – garciamm.mg@gmail.com


Our Hospitality ministry greets visitors, guests, and members in a special way that makes them feel welcome as they participate in our liturgies and other parish events. Disciples are especially needed during our 4pm Saturday Mass. Contact Renee Hall at 727-466-8201. Let's create a vibrant Holy Cross community together!


The Lectors ministry is looking for more disciples to join our team! Consider joining us and sharing the privilege of proclaiming the Word of God during Mass. Contact Chris Capista at 215-692-3165.


Stay connected with our vibrant parish community! Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay updated on the latest news, events, and inspiring messages. Be part of our digital community and journey together with us as we grow in faith, share in fellowship, and spread the love of Christ. Don't miss out on this opportunity to connect with us and to be a part of our online parish family. Follow us today on Facebook and Instagram and let's walk this faith journey together! Our handle is Holycrossstpete



Holy Cross Facebook Group


Consider dedicating altar flowers, a sanctuary lamp, or the altar bread and wine for a week for a living or deceased loved one. Call the office to schedule.
  • Altar Flowers $200
  • Tabernacle Flowers $75
  • Our Lady Flowers $75
  • Altar Bread and Wine $20
  • Sanctuary Lamp $10
All funds go towards sanctuary expenses. Contact the parish office to schedule! 727-546-3315.

Bequest information

Did you know that you can name Holy Cross in your will or trust to help continue the mission you proudly participate in? To observe the best method for naming this parish in your will or trust, please ask your attorney to use the following terminology: “I give devise, and bequeath (amount, article, stock, etc.) to Gregory L. Parkes, as Bishop of the Diocese of St. Petersburg, and his successors in the office, for the use of Holy Cross Church, 7851 54th Avenue N, St. Petersburg, FL 33709.”

Tax free charitable distributions

Congress has permanently enacted qualified charitable contributions from your traditional IRA accounts. These distributions can be used to satisfy all or a portion of your Required Minimum Distribution. These distributions are free of federal and state income tax. Additionally, these gifts help you to avoid the Medicare high income surcharge and can help to reduce taxes on your social security benefits. Distributions must be made directly from your IRA account to Holy Cross Catholic Church.


Please join us in our parish prayer:
Lord Jesus Christ, 
You call us to build your Church,
Not of bricks and mortar, but of living stones.
Give us your Holy Spirit to transform us so that,
Nurtured by the Eucharist,
We may courageously strive to respond to your call
To make disciples for your glory and the salvation of the world.
Señor Jesucristo, nos llamas a construir tu Iglesia, no de ladrillos y cemento, sino de piedras vivas. Danos tu Espíritu Santo para que nos transformes para que, nutridos por la Eucaristía, podamos responder  alientemente a tu llamada de hacer discípulos para tu gloria y la salvación del mundo. Amén.


For more information, please visit dosp.org/revival/


Please note that names will be automatically removed from this list after three months. Please call the parish office to add a name to this list.

Please pray for the following

Glenn, Mary, Lynn, Sandra, Sally, Nick, Frank, Ed M., Paulette, Frank, Bozana, Mary Ellen, Sharon, Patty, Carlos, Maria Julia, Paula, Pam, Catherine, Amanda, Pat, Dennis, Lauren, Grace, Heidi, Scott, Lisa, Dawn Marie, Declan, Bodhi, Zora, Meza Family, Miguel, Nick, Sharon, Frankie, Kathy, Lisa, Pam, Frank, Sara, Nick, Lynn, Sarah Kristen, Joseph & Theresa, Pierotti Family, Sarah, Maggie, Dyllan, Elba, Artie & Halai, Annie, Jeanie, Anne, Lynn, Chuck, Carl, Bella, Bill, Montana, Eli, Susan, Karen, Fran, Diane & Troy & Family, Lori, Patricia & Anthony, Paul, Kathy, Maryann, Mario, Anthony, Christina, Joseph & Lucy, Chuck, Robert, Missa, David, Chuck, Sue Ann, Tina, Angie, Don, Justine, Maria, the Agars, Eleanor, Fr. Tom, Arlene, Brooke, Vincent, Larry, Daniel, Kristen, Susan, Donna, Evelyn, Carmelita, Meg, Allen, Candy, Geegee, Marc, Betsy, Chrissie, Lucille, Kayla, Austin, Tracy, Jan, Lainey, Carol, Gary, June, Janice, Bill, Kathleen, Joseph, Sherrie, Norma, Laura Lee, Efrain, Lawrence, William, Francisco, Josephina, Juana, Eusebio, Francisco, Virginia, Dolores, Louisa, Jaime, Zaida, Anne Marie, Jenny, Miriam, Tommy, Camille, Monique, Marcellus, Jessica, Jay, Norton, Anne, Marietta, Taso, Lleya, Robert, Margaret H., Tina V., Frank, John, Linda, Idania, Stacey, Louis, Steve, Marge, Mrs. Blue & daughter, Emily, Walter, Nicholas, Helen, Kay, Mary Lou, Chris, Debora, Mariza, Halina, Leeann, Janet, Gary, Bill, Joseph, Cathleen, Helen, Gus, Kathleen, Philip, James, Carlos, Teresa, Cynthia, Josie, Mike, Miriam, Felix, Estrella, Ramos Family, Natalie, Robert, Richard & Maryann, Caceres Family, Scott, Jeffrey, Michael, Carol, Paul, Richard, Denise, Scott, Gloria, Dean, Frank, Ed, Kurt, June, Matt, Ricki, Sr. Williams, Joseph, Jennie, Melina, Miss Beede, Jeffrey, Cele, Jason, Elizabeth, Johnny, Genesis & Family, Brandon, Baby John, Carly, Robert, Fresher, Robert Jr., Sue, McEarhan, John, Cathy, Dinah, Robert, Anthony, Dave, Anna, Pasquale, Speranza, Mary, Jared, Christian, Will, James, Lauren, Will, Garber Family, Lizzy, Jimmy, Sue, Lucille, Tina, Janice, Sofia, Frank, Garver Family, Merlita, Nadine, Rick, Joanie, Michael, Dennis, Tyler, Mary, Brian, Anastasia, Steve, Dcn Rick, Pamela, Robert, Joe, Toby, Victoria, Daniel, David, Isadora, Dan


Please join us for our weekly devotional activities: 
  • Exposition of the blessed sacrament—Wednesdays 8:30—9:30 am (followed by solemn benediction), and First Fridays from 8:30—11:30 am (followed by solemn benediction and Mass). 
  • Exposition is also held 6:00—7:00 pm on Wednesdays. 
  • The rosary is recited daily at 7:30 am. 
  • The miraculous medal novena is recited Mondays & Wednesdays after the 8am Mass.
  •  A rosary for priests is recited on Thursdays after book study. 
  • The divine mercy chaplet is recited on Fridays after the 8am Mass. 
  • A holy hour for families takes place at 10 - 11am every First Friday.
All devotional activities take place in the chapel after Easter.

Blog Summary

Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord (Spanish) - March 31, 2024

Queridos amigos, Hoy celebramos la Pascua. ¡Cristo ha resucitado! Celebramos el cumplimiento de la ... Read More »

Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord - March 31, 2024

Dear friends,

Today we celebrate Easter. Christ is risen! We celebrate the fulfillment of ... Read More »

3rd Sunday of Advent (Spanish) - December 17, 2023

Queridos amigos,

En este Tercer Domingo de Adviento, nos alegramos en el Señor por ... Read More »



More numerous than the stars in the sky are your blessings, O Good and Gracious God. You have called us to spread the Good News of your Son, Jesus Christ, through our words and actions. Strengthen our faith and open our hearts to care for all our brothers and sisters, especially those who need us the most. Help us to understand the difference we can make, the love we can share and the lives we can bring to Christ through our Catholic Ministry Appeal. We pray that your grace, O Lord, will lead us to be your loving heart and hands today. Amen.

Más numerosas que las estrellas en el cielo son tus bendiciones, oh Dios bondadoso y compasivo. Nos has llamado para anunciar la buena nueva de tu Hijo, Jesucristo, mediante nuestras palabras y acciones. Fortalece nuestra fe y abre nuestros corazones para que cuidemos de todos nuestros hermanos y hermanas, especialmente aquellos que más nos necesitan. Ayúdanos a comprender la diferencia que podemos hacer, el amor que podemos compartir y las vidas que podemos acercar a Cristo a través de la Campaña para los Ministerios Católicos. Oramos para que tu gracia, oh Señor, nos lleve a ser hoy tu corazón y tus manos amorosas. Amén.


Every Catholic Should Be Registered in a Parish

Beside the active support and involvement that the registration enables, the parish registration is also a mandatory condition for sacraments such as baptism and matrimony.

It is therefore important to register at your parish as soon as you start attending Mass there regularly. Here’s why:

  1. You may receive verification letters to sponsor individuals for sacraments, receive sacraments yourself or your child (i.e. baptism, confirmation, matrimony)
  2. You will have the opportunity to establish easy online giving and receive end of year tax contribution statements
  3. You will receive important communications from the parish that non-registered parishioners won’t receive
  4. The parish will know the demographics and respond to needs. Further, the Diocese will know that our parish has a healthy base of registered, active parishioners

Please click here for our form, and be sure to answer each item so that our records for you are complete!


Please be sure to patronize the businesses listed on the back of our bulletin! They keep our bulletin in print!