Dear friends,
In my African culture, the word bears a highly importance for what it is. We say, the word has power. It is used to bless or to curse, to build up or to tear down. Its power can reach everywhere and crosses every boundary. From time to time, we hear people say, “be careful about what you are asking for…” While this last sentence refers to prayer, in Africa we say, be careful with your words.
Today, I would like to dive in the world of different words we hear in the gospel reading. They are revelatory of the various characters at play. We hear words of faith and surrender; the words of remorse, confidence, accusation, denial, choice, fear, teaching, and love.
To highlight the power of words, the book of Proverbs declares the following: “The heart of the righteous ponders how to answer.” (Proverbs 15:28). Because words are powerful, Saint Frances de Sales cautioned that they are to be used like the scalpel in the hands of a surgeon, cutting away only what is necessary and not so much as to result in unnecessary harm. He therefore advises the followers of Jesus to speak little, gently, well, charitable, and amiably. Even when speaking a difficult truth, a disciple of Jesus can do so with love. Because love is the sole criterion by and through which we will be judged. It is through love that the world will know that we are of Christ.
As we enter into Holy Week, I would like to invite all and everyone to reflect on what our words say about us. Do they reveal love, life, truth, trust, and submission to the will of God, or hate, death, falsehood, fear and submission to our will alone? Today we are invited to be like Jesus who emptied himself and took on all our limitations with the exception of sin, even death, so that we can be servants with well-trained tongues that reveal our willingness to speak truth at all circumstances wherever that might lead us.
Let us ask our Lord to strengthen our faith trust in the truth that every passion embraced in faith leads to glory. And let us continue to pray for one another and for our parish family.
Wishing you all a Blessed Holy Week.
Fr. Emery
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