Dear friends,
The conversation between the apostles and the crowd they are preached to leads me to think about our own discipleship journey here at Holy Cross. After listening to the apostles who tell them the truth that “they have been healed by Christ’s wounds,” the crowd is “cut to the heart,” and come to the realization that there is no more place for stillness. Even though their hearts are set ablaze realizing the amount of love Christ has for them, still they do not know what and how to be involved to spread this message of love and salvation. They ask, “What are we to do, brothers?”
This is the message that resonates with us here at Holy Cross as we embark on the journey of discipleship and strive to build a church of living stones. I know many of us are eager to follow and to respond to the call. Yet, inside of us we ask the same question, “What are we to do?” In other words, you say I hear this call to missionary discipleship, but how am I going to follow and what am I expected to do?
Like Simon Peter’s response to the crowd, I would suggest that we first of all embrace the path to discipleship through these two words: learning and prayers. These two empower us because we rely on Christ as we learn from him the ways of disciples. These two will lead us to serve the Lord and his people here in Holy Cross. Learning empowers us to rediscover the why of our existence and presence as disciples. So here are opportunities for learning we are offered: think about joining one of the followings: our Book Study group, our Adult Catechesis, Eucharistic Adoration ministry, and Small group ministry where we can learn from the Lord. Then, we move to the first stage of Discipleship Path, which is to SERVE. To serve means to move from bystander to involved in the life of our parish family through the different ministries present here to make Christ alive amidst his people.
Because disciples learn and lead, we are trained by Christ himself in our different learning groups in order to lead others to Christ. Now, brother/sister, think about the impact of the awareness that we are healed by Christ’s wounds. Are you then “cut to the heart” at the realization of Christ’s abundant love for you? I know you are. But then, this should take one step farther, to move from attending the Holy mass as one thing among others, to benefit from the transforming encounter with the Lord. We come to learn from the Lord who empowers us on the journey of discipleship.
In the months ahead, we are going to hear from each one of these ministries. This will be the opportunity for us to discover them and to know what they do and how they do it. You are meant to be a part of this new determination and commitment to our parish growth. Be assured of my prayers as you meditate and strive to be open to the call Christ is placing in your heart.
And let us continue to pray for one another and for our parish family.
Fr. Emery
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