Dear friends,
As our Lenten journey continues, today’s Scripture readings confront our ways of looking at the world and all that surrounds us. Scriptures challenge our blindness and invite us to strive to see with our hearts, with the hope that, in the light of Christ, we may come to see the world through God’s own lenses, that is as God sees it.
This Sunday is called “Laetare Sunday,” which means that we are invited to rejoice at the closeness of our Redemption. This Sunday is a “joyful anticipation of the Easter mystery.” Last Sunday, the Samaritan woman led us on the path of discipleship, reminding us that our encounter with Jesus should always lead us to bearing witness, to sharing the amazing experience with others. We are made disciples to make disciples. Today, we are reminded that the purpose of a disciple is to grow. But to do so, we have to be healed from our blindness that refrains us from seeing the world through the eyes of faith.
From the second reading, we hear the invitation to grow as disciples resonate. We read, “Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light.” To be healed from our blindness means to see through faith and take with courage any opportunity God gives us to grow. There are so many here at Holy cross, our and your Church family. To grow deeper, we are offered opportunities to learn and to pray: Book Study, Adult catechism, MDS, Eucharistic Adoration, and so on… We grow wider through commitment to serving the Lord. Have you thought about joining and serving as Lector, Eucharistic minister, Hospitality minister, Altar server, Fishes and Loaves, Choir member, Small groups which help us to connect with each other, or many other ministries where God calls us? As disciples, we are here to awake and to grow as we pray, volunteer and inspire others to follow Christ.
This Laetare Sunday will bear its full meaning only if we anticipate this joy of the Easter mystery as we commit ourselves as disciples to praying, volunteering and inspiring others for our own growth and the growth of our Church family, which is the Body of Christ. And let us continue to pray for one another and for our parish family.
May God bless you all.
Fr. Emery
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