Dear friends,
On this World Mission Day the Holy Father, Pope Francis invites us to reflect on the relationship between the encounter with the Lord in the celebration of the Eucharist and the requirement of discipleship. Simply put, he reminds us that missionary discipleship stems from receiving the word of God in out heart, letting it sink in and burn within us to transform us and empower us to set out our feet on the move.
At the end of every Mass, we hear these words: “our mass is ended, go in peace to serve the Lord and one another.” World Mission Day reminds therefore of our identity and of the purpose for which the Lord made us his disciples, namely, to proclaim his love and mercy in the world, and to bring to him all those scattered in the world, the poor, the unchurched, the fallen away and all those who seek a meaning to their life.
Today, we are blessed to welcome the Franciscan Sisters of Allegany for Mission Co-op. They will share with us the challenges of missionary discipleship in a world full torn apart by violence and poverty. Our support and generosity will help lengthen their hands to reach out to those we cannot see around us. On their way from Emmaus, the disciples set out to proclaim that the Lord is truly risen, which is the source of our joy and consolation. Today, we share this joy and consolation by sharing the blessings God has bestowed upon us with those in most need.
As we welcome these disciples of the love of God for the poor and participate in the work of making this world the true beginning of the kingdom of God, let us continue to pray for one another and for our parish family.
Fr. Emery
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