Dear friends,
Today we celebrate Catechetical Sunday. In our diocese it is also the celebration of Eucharistic Encounter, as we gather together as People of God to profess loudly and clearly our faith in the True and Real Presence of Christ in the Holy Communion. This celebration stems from the desire to make sure that we all understand well that place of the Eucharist in our life as Christians and disciples of Christ. The Church teaches us, and this is the absolute truth that the Eucharist is the fount and the summit of our Christian life. In other words, the Eucharist makes the Church and the Church celebrate the Eucharist to live. So, let us think today about the place and the respect we give to our Lord when we receive him here at the Table of the Holy Feast. More precisely, reflect on the meaning of this word when you say “Amen” at the reception of the Eucharist. It means that “I truly believe that this is truly and really Christ, his Body and Blood, soul and divinity given to me as remedy for my discipleship journey. So, let us pray that the Lord might strengthen our faith in his true and real presence in Holy Communion as we receive Him and make our hearts and lives available to him as his beloved dwelling.
Now, back to our Catechetical Sunday. Words such as catechesis, kerygma, evangelization are used to express the different ways we proclaim the kingdom of God. However, when we hear the word “catechist” we think about those disciples who are involved in our Faith Formation program. While this can be true, it is only half-true. This is because all of us baptized in the death and resurrection of the Lord, we have been commissioned. The great commissioning is a task pertaining to all of us. Therefore, on this catechetical Sunday, even though we are commissioning our catechists, it is the day we all embark on that new journey of discipleship. All and each one of us ought to hear the voice of the Lord and to listen to Him as He says, “Go. Of all the nations, make disciples; baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am always with you.”
This journey of discipleship comprises two sections: we learn and we lead. For “disciples learn and lead,” in fulfillment of the mission they have received from the Master. So, here is a set of questions for you today: how am responding to this call? Am I open to the many opportunities I have here at our Parish to learn from Jesus? Or do I just think that what I know is enough? How do I take benefit of the learning opportunities I have to strengthen me on my discipleship journey? Catechist, you are because you are a disciple and Christ commissions you today. He tells you, “I have established you to go.” Therefore, “GO and MAKE DISCIPLES,” through your involvement in a ministry, through outreach in your neighborhood, through participation in Small groups, which are the souls of our Church Community.
Today is your day, disciple of Christ called to be a witness to the glorious victory of the Cross. Catechetical Sunday is Discipleship Sunday. You are also called. It is your Day. May the Lord nurture your hunger for Him and your commitment to discipleship as we embark on the journey of building up his kingdom.
And let us continue to pray for one another and for our parish family.
Fr. Emery
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